... I've suddenly got this funny feeling that MOVIE-Cobra Commander will look like this Hasbro San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive figure [via] ... and man, I sure hope I'm utterly wrong tho! As "funny" as a battle-helmet may look on a live-person (IMHO), a rag draped over with holes cut-out would similarly be both ridiculous and perhaps even offensive - but of coz this is pure speculation on my part, yeh? Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the exhalted G.I.Joe nemesis (he looks sorta like a young Heath Ledger, dunt he?) and along with Destro, whose "final"-look may remain a mystery ... until an image-leak comes along, that is! LOL

[Marvel Comics-origin]
"After the Marvel series ended, Cobra forces fell to a unified assault organized by the G.I. Joe leader, General Hawk. Cobra Commander managed to escape, becoming an international fugitive as the remnants of his organization retreated into hiding. He spent the next seven years sheltered in non-extradition countries, rebuilding his organization from the shadows." [Devil's Due-origins]